I have a practical question about transposing instruments, perhaps you have some experience. For example we make a c major score for Flute, Piano and Clarinet in Bb. What notation should be used for "c d e f" in the Clarinet part? I think it is natural to use \property Staff.transposing = #-2 So we have to have notes in d major. What way is better for it: \notes { d e fis g } -> i.e. write "played" notes (as you see in the score) or \notes { \transpose c d { c d e f } } -> i.e. write "heared" notes
(My first guess is that the latter is better, because this way I can easily put that to other - non-transposing - instruments, I just have to remove the transpose) staffClarinetInBb = { \new Staff { \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"clarinet" \property Staff.instrument = #"Clarinet in Bb" \property Staff.transposing = #-2 \notes { % what should I write here? } } } Thanks, Bert _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user