Hello, Mats:

Just use simultaneous notes in the same voice:
r4  <<g4 d'2>> <<g,4 es'2 d'2>> }

or, with the upper voice as well:
r4 << {b4 ( c ) } \\ <<g,4 d'2>> >> <<g,4 es'2 d'2>>

You will get some warnings, but the desired output.


One question and one comment+question:

1. Is there any way to suppress warnings for individual measures? For example, since I know I'm going to get warnings on these double-stops, can I hide just the warnings in those bars (so I don't miss real "errors")?

2. The alignment is not correct in a simultaneous set containing both quarter-notes and whole notes:

\time 7/4 r4\p \appoggiatura g8( <c bf'>2)-\upbow << \transparentStem g4 d'1 cs'1-\downbow >>

Attachment: quarterwhole.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Any way (beyond extra-offset) to fix that? Can I set the lowest note as a whole note (which should fix the alignment) and then change the notehead glyph somehow?

Thanks again,
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