Am Freitag, 3. Oktober 2003 14:51 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> You could correct it manually, by doing the clef change somewhat
> earlier in the bar:
>          <f' a>1*3/4 \clef bass s4

Yes, this works, thanks!

Regarding the other things: should I formally file bug reports for things like 
this or is it sufficient if it is discussed on this list?

Thanks a lot for your help,

> > - I have the impression the "cresc." when doing a crescendo with the
> > \cresc \endcresc keywords is always placed too much to the right: in the
> > attached I understand crescendo should start on the first note.
> > Lilypond positions it on the second -- is this intended; if not, how can
> > I correct this by hand?
> If you remove your raggedright setting, you will see that the crescendo
> actually is started at the first note, but offset to the right.
> I haven't been able to find the property that changes this.
> Anyone else on the list who knows the answer??
> Is it intended behaviour or a bug?
> > - I have a PianoStaff whose upper Staff starts with a grace note. Upper
> > staff begins with a \clef treble statement, lower staff with a \clef bass
> > statement. Lilypond prints a treble clef in lower staff first, and then
> > directly after that a small bass clef. If I remove the grace note in the
> > upper staff, everything works fine. (see for example)
> Looks like a bug to me!
>     Mats
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