I'm transcribing some music to Lilypond in which one hand spans both the RH and LH staffs of a PianoStaff. In the 1.9.8 (or there abouts) I had it working fine and the score compiled, the output was produced. In 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 I haven't been able to make it work. Has \translate Staff = whatever changed?

Error message:
bc5___i_cembalor.ly:244:61: warning: Programming error: Spanner `Beam' is not fully contained in parent spanner `VerticalAxisGroup'.:
cis[a cis e a e cis a] e[cis \tb \su a \tt \sd cis e] \su g!
[e cis \tb a] e[cis a cis e g bes] \tt cis[e g bes g e cis] s |

\score {
                \new PianoStaff <<
                        \new Staff { \cembalor }
                        \new Staff { \cembalol }

su = {\stemUp}
sd = {\stemDown}
tt = {\translator Staff = treble}
tb = {\translator Staff = bass}

cembalor = \context Voice = treble \notes \relative c {
\clef treble
\key d \major
cis32[a cis e a e cis a] e[cis \tb \su a \tt \sd cis e] \su g![e cis \tb a] e[cis a cis e g bes] \tt cis[e g bes g e cis] s |

cembalol = \context Voice = bass....

Dave Higgins
Littleton, Colorado
PARDON me, am I speaking ENGLISH?

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