Jost Schenck wrote:
I have some questions on which I could not find answers in the documentation nor in the mailing list archives. I hope somebody can help me! If I overlooked something, forgive me.
- I have to change the clef in the lower Staff of a PianoStaff from treble to clef, at the end of a bar. This leads to an ugly space in the upper staff. Is
there some way of correcting this by hand? (see for example)
Actually, LilyPond already tries to handle this tricky situation, see and the example below. In your example, it doesn't help. You could correct it manually, by doing the clef change somewhat earlier in the bar: <f' a>1*3/4 \clef bass s4
- I have the impression the "cresc." when doing a crescendo with the \cresc \endcresc keywords is always placed too much to the right: in the attached I understand crescendo should start on the first note. Lilypond positions it on the second -- is this intended; if not, how can I correct this by hand?
If you remove your raggedright setting, you will see that the crescendo actually is started at the first note, but offset to the right. I haven't been able to find the property that changes this.
Anyone else on the list who knows the answer?? Is it intended behaviour or a bug?
- I have a PianoStaff whose upper Staff starts with a grace note. Upper staff begins with a \clef treble statement, lower staff with a \clef bass statement. Lilypond prints a treble clef in lower staff first, and then directly after that a small bass clef. If I remove the grace note in the upper staff, everything works fine. (see for example)
Looks like a bug to me!
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