Hello, all!

Graphire Music Press (www.graphire.com) has the following information about their music font -- "Revere" -- on their website:

Revere is endorsed by the MPA, the CMPA, and the IFSMP
Graphire has received the honor of the following endorsement for our Revere music font:
The notehead design and notehead-to-staff relationships of Graphire's Revere font have been certified to meet the specifications set forth by the Music Publishers' Association of the United States, the Church Music Publishers' Association, and the International Federation of Serious Music Publishers.
This endorsement was given to Revere in its original release form - no changes were required. Revere is included with all versions of Music Press.

Is there any way to see if Feta meets the same specifications? I have found no way to get those specs from the web...


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