Bonjour, LilyPond quick insert mode for (GNU |X)Emacs has been updated.
doc: archive: Au menu, Vaclav Smilauer's rumor[1] support, plus few improvements like `n' to change the last note alteration to natural, and `=' to remove the ''' or ,,, from last note (Heikki's suggestions). Some ugly bugs have also been corrected. For less-than-average keyboard players, like me, rumor is also worth considering: with its `flat' option (C-c r f), durations and rests are not taken into account during rumor sessions (C-c r s). Thus, for instance, one may play the notes with one hand on the MIDI keyboard, and adjust their duration with the other hand on the computer keyboard. Comments and suggestions are welcome. [1] version 1.0.2a required. --- nicolas _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]