Hi all!

Some users requested LilyPond export of segno, dal segno ... in
NoteEdit. I've problems to understand the system. (I never was
at music school) Maybe it is too easy ;-) Note! I have to
implement the replay! 
Perhaps somebody could give a short answer to 6 questions:

1.) Is the sequence:

        notes1  segno  notes2 dal segno notes3

   the same as:

       notes1  ||: notes2 :||  notes3

   So, this form is actually superfluous.(?)

2.) Is the sequence:

       notes1  segno notes2 fine notes3 dal segno al fine

    the same as:

      notes1 notes2 notes3 notes2

3.) I read somewhere: If there's "dal segno al fine"
    but no word "fine" written the music ends at
    next fermata (if any). Is it correct?

4.) Does the segno always appear left to the dal segno. Or
    must I take into account the following:

      notes1 dal segno notes2 segno notes3

   This implies: notes2 are never played (?)

5.) I remember vaguely there exists a further variant with coda.
    dal sengno al fine et code (or so...). What is the
    exact name and meaning ?

6.) Is it correct that "dal segno" never appears unabbreviated ?
    Thus, "D.S." is always written instead? If so: What's
    the abbrivation of "dal segno al fine" ?

I know many questions. Perhaps somebody could give an explanation
of the most common forms (I'm convinced there are a lot 
of special forms and exceptions) Or a link to some WWW site.(?)


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