If you replace every \ with \\ your example should work.
The reason is that we want to be able to handle double
quotes within the strings. To get a double quote, you 
use \" just as in C programming, for example. Likewise, 
Lilypond understands a few other escape sequencies like
\n, \t and \'. Since backslash is treated specially, you 
have to escape that as well, i.e. use \\ when you want \.


> Hi there!
> I am sorry for disturbing you with this minor question.
> It's just a small font problem in the header,
> for some cases, I can't get the acute accent as desired.
> (lilypond 1.6.0 on WinNT or Win2k)
> e.g.
> \header {
>   filename = "dukichsongthao.ly"
>   title = "Du k\'{i}ch s\^{o}ng Thao "
> }
> Thanks in advance!
> -Minh.
> Informatics Institute,
> de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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