> \header {
>   filename = "dukichsongthao.ly"
>   title = "Du k\'{i}ch s\^{o}ng Thao "
> }

I guess your problem is that the i still has a dot, which interferes with
the acute. You get a dotless i by backslashing it:

   title = "Du k\'{\i}ch s\^{o}ng Thao "

How could you have known it? Well, the text is processed by LaTeX, so
questions and problems of this kind (text within double quotes, typically)
can be answered/solved by peeking in a LaTeX book. Leslie Lamport's book
is the standard manual for LaTeX (I think the full book title is "LaTeX, a
document preparation system").
[Since you work in the institute of informatics in Amsterdam I am sure you
can borrow it from someone, otherwise hop by your neighbours (NIKHEF,
physics institute, I worked there until recently:-) where latex is used
almost exclusively for typesetting articles, reports and theses...]

Related problems you might get when using signs like #, %, &, \ (etc) in
the textstrings. Put a backslash in front of them, otherwise you'll get
very cryptic errors in your ly2dvi output since these signs have a special
meaning in LaTeX (which is bypassed by a backslash-prefix).

David Boersma
DESY, Hamburg

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