Hi David, Thank you very much for your reply. Actually, I also guessed that it was LaTeX problem and I tried the same text in a standard tex document. Everything works fine in this case. Coming back to .ly file, we get the same problem even with any character rather than "i", e.g. title = "Du kich s\'{o}ng Thao " ... I am sorry for bothering you with this sort of thing. It's just because in my mother tongue language, without coherent accent, a word can be misunderstood in a disastrous manner :) Best,
-Minh Informatics Institute de Universiteit van Amsterdam. --- David Boersma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > \header { > > filename = "dukichsongthao.ly" > > title = "Du k\'{i}ch s\^{o}ng Thao " > > } > > I guess your problem is that the i still has a dot, which interferes with > the acute. You get a dotless i by backslashing it: > > title = "Du k\'{\i}ch s\^{o}ng Thao " > > How could you have known it? Well, the text is processed by LaTeX, so > questions and problems of this kind (text within double quotes, typically) > can be answered/solved by peeking in a LaTeX book. Leslie Lamport's book > is the standard manual for LaTeX (I think the full book title is "LaTeX, a > document preparation system"). > [Since you work in the institute of informatics in Amsterdam I am sure you > can borrow it from someone, otherwise hop by your neighbours (NIKHEF, > physics institute, I worked there until recently:-) where latex is used > almost exclusively for typesetting articles, reports and theses...] > > Related problems you might get when using signs like #, %, &, \ (etc) in > the textstrings. Put a backslash in front of them, otherwise you'll get > very cryptic errors in your ly2dvi output since these signs have a special > meaning in LaTeX (which is bypassed by a backslash-prefix). > > David Boersma > DESY, Hamburg > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! http://sbc.yahoo.com _______________________________________________ Lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user