Hi Joram,

I was just coming back to say something similar…  :)

What I said about “duration”

> When talking about the first musical event in that tuplet, noboty I know 
> (including me!) would use the word “duration” to express the power-of-2 note 
> value (eighth) or the number of augmentation dots (1) or the scaling factor 
> or any combination thereof.
> When asked to describe the “duration” of that first note/event, I/they would 
> almost certainly say something along the lines of “3/5s of a quarter note”.

is equally true of the word “length” [for most people/musicians I know].

It would be great to find a totally different word to attach to the visual 
value/representation of a note.

> note value = length of a note in visible note representation =?= ly:duration

Unfortunately, Wikipedia says “a note value indicates the relative duration of 
a note”, which highlights the ambiguity/confusion.

If (as I understand it to be) we’re differentiating between the musical 
duration=length of a note/event versus its graphical representation, we should 
see if we can stay away from anything remotely related to duration, and I fear 
“value” falls under that rubric.

– Kieren

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