On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 1:49 AM Dan Eble <nine.fierce.ball...@gmail.com>

> My main complaint about the status quo is low sensitivity to changes in
> important details, not how the differences are presented, but if you
> want to try something else, I'm willing to take a look and offer an
> opinion.

Yes, that's why we're here in the first place. No doubt.

However, because my eyes aren't as finely tuned to see things as you guys'
and because I need to present the results from the diffing thing anyways,
I am working to make it more visible to me what the diff is,
which helps me tune the new differ so it does something useful.
And it seems that if I can do that in a way that is also useful to
other folks,
I should take the opportunity and share the result.

I guess I'm saying this is a byproduct of the main area of work.


Luca Fascione

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