David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Am So., 1. Jan. 2023 um 11:52 Uhr schrieb Jean Abou Samra 
>> <j...@abou-samra.fr>:
>>> Le 31/12/2022 à 21:15, Thomas Morley a écrit :
>>> > Today I found some time :)
>>> >
>>> > lilypond *.ly on all lsr-snippets fails because of the following snippets:
>>> >    custom-tuning-and-midi-rendering.ly
>>> >    dodecaphonic-staff.ly
>>> >    dodecaphonic-staff-with-accurate-ledger-lines.ly
>>> >    microtonal-notation-and-theory-of-harmony.ly
>>> >    retuning-to-a-regular-temperament.ly
>>> >
>>> > All of them are using ly:set-default-scale and/or
>>> > ly:parser-set-note-names on toplevel niveau.
>>> >
>>> > How to limit those settings to the current file?
>>> I would approach it differently: not "how to fix the snippets?", but
>>> "how to fix LilyPond so that these settings apply to the current file?".
>> Sure, out of my depth, though.
>> And any fix in lilypond would be too late for the 2.24. lsr-update.
> Session bleedover does not invalidate the isolated snippets but
> invalidates our testing infrastructure.  The testing infrastructure is
> not inherently tied to the release version.
> Have a fix for set-default-scale in the queue.

As a note aside: there are a few Midi data structures that contain a
raw, unprotected Pitch.  If ly:set-default-scale is called to reset the
default scale before the Midi soundsetting pass has been accomplished,
those Midi data structure pitches may lose their associated Scale.
Which would be comparatively bad news.

So "fixing" the snippets by resetting the default scale might actually
do more damage than fixing LilyPond's session bleedover (which resets
the default scale at a point of time where Midi data should all have
been flushed).

David Kastrup

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