Le 27/12/2022 à 17:06, Thomas Morley a écrit :
TODO guile message about `string-delete' adding-fingerings-or-string-numbers-or-stroke-fingerings-outside-of-the-music-code.lyCan be fixed by just inverting the arguments to string-delete.Surprisingly not.
? I took the snippet code and replaced (string-delete s (lambda (c) (case c ((#\%) (if (not (char=? prev-char #\nul)) (set! delete? #t))) ((#\newline)(set! delete? #f))) (set! prev-char c) delete?)))) with (string-delete (lambda (c) (case c ((#\%) (if (not (char=? prev-char #\nul)) (set! delete? #t))) ((#\newline)(set! delete? #f))) (set! prev-char c) delete?) s)))After this, it compiles without warning in 2.24 and gives the same output (minus small spacing differences) as 2.22.
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