> Then, the two font files, one from 2.23.7 and the good one from
> 2.23.10, are conflicting under the name "Emmentaler 11" for being
> embedded in the PS file.  [...]

Could you try to apply the effects of


to the two problematic instances of 'Emmentaler 11', without changing
the font locations?

* Install `fonttools`:

  pip install fonttools

* Deassemble the fonts with

  ttx emmentaler-11.otf

  then open the resulting `emmentaler-11.ttx` file and change the
  `fontRevision` field from '2.23' to '2.2307' and '2.2310',

  [The exact version info can be found if you search for the string
  '2.23.' (note the trailing '.') in the TTX file.]

* Do

  mv emmentaler-11.otf /dir/not/scanned/by/fontconfig/
  ttx emmentaler-11.ttx

  for both fonts to assemble them again, then rerun `lilypond` with
  the problematic example.

*Theoretically*, this fixes the issue.


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