> Le 9 juil. 2022 à 18:28, Dan Eble <dan@lyric.works> a écrit :
> Are you serious enough about this suggestion to propose syntax that you would
> consider acceptably explicit and that could actually be implemented?
To be clear, I’m not trying to find syntax acceptably explicit for me; this is
not a judgement. I just wonder if we can find syntax that is explicit, period,
i.e. syntax that lets the user tell which events that should be kept at \fine
and which that shouldn’t.
My understanding is that there are two use cases for \fine right now: using it
as a kind of memorable shorthand for \bar "|." at the end of the piece, and
using it in \repeat segno to mark the end of the played music so that engraving
can print "fine" and (unfoldRepeats-ed) MIDI can stop.
The problem may be simpler if we accept to make separate commands for these two
uses cases. For example, instead of
\repeat segno 2 {
\volta 2 \fine
one can imagine
\repeat segno 2 {
\volta 1 {
Repeats are complicated and I didn’t give this much thought, so it might make
no sense, but you see the basic idea: \unfoldRepeats would be able to unfold
the music in a way that doesn’t need interrupting translation with an event in
the middle. In the above, which … an event at the point of fine was entered in
determines whether it is included at the unfolded end.