On Jul 8, 2022, at 13:39, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
> For example, whether an item on the non-musical column at the point of \fine 
> is included depends on whether its break-visibility makes it visible at EOL. 
> The fine text itself will thus be included, while a rehearsal mark won’t. 
> That is just as expected.

Not exactly.

Mark_engraver::finalize ()
  if (final_text_)
      // A mark created at the very end is always visible even if it would not
      // be visible at the end of a broken line.
      set_property (final_text_, "break-visibility",
                    scm_c_make_vector (3, SCM_BOOL_T));
  final_text_ = nullptr;

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