Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 21:51 +0100 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld via
Discussions on LilyPond development:
> If that still doesn't work, there are two more possibilities:
> 1. We're missing an option in building some of the dependencies that I
> had figured out for the proof-of-concept. I payed attention to a few
> important ones, but I'm going to recheck.

To give a quick update on this, I think I know why it works for me but
for almost nobody else: I have my Windows configured with an English
language pack, but German regional settings (Monday is the first day of
the week! And you write dates as DD.MM.YYYY, not some other weird
order!). I suspect this is sufficiently unusual that libraries don't
load translated message strings. As soon as I switch to full English or
full German, it also breaks for me.

The Python scripts build gettext / libintl and libiconv differently
(more correctly) than the shell scripts did, so this might explain why
the older binaries worked. I'll try to figure out how I need to change
the process to make it work.


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