Am Dienstag, dem 07.12.2021 um 23:10 +0100 schrieb Petr Pařízek:
> Jonas wrote:
> "WinRAR also works for me. I think we're missing something here..."
> It's strange indeed. The build that you made on July 3rd, under the name 
> "lilypond-mingw-x86_64-full", is running okay at mine, without any trouble.

Okay, now it's getting interesting. Can you give the following archive
a try? (also CC'ing the other people who reported problems on Windows)
It's the same binaries, but the lib/ folder with the compiled .go files
added to the archive after the share/ folder, so programs are going to
extract it last. That's what I did for the proof-of-concept to solve
the issues with .scm files being recompiled.

If that still doesn't work, there are two more possibilities:
1. We're missing an option in building some of the dependencies that I
had figured out for the proof-of-concept. I payed attention to a few
important ones, but I'm going to recheck.
2. A newer version of one of the dependencies actually has a problem.
That would be unfortunate...

Let me know how it goes, we definitely need to get this sorted out
before considering any further steps!


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