On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 3:12 PM Jonas Hahnfeld <hah...@hahnjo.de> wrote:
> For example, I'd very much like #5799 to be part of 2.21.0 to be able
> to cross-compile to x86_64-w64-mingw32 and show-case a replacement for
> GUB. However I acknowledge that the changes have at least the potential
> to break the current process using GUB.

I'm intrigued by the idea of replacing GUB. Can you say something more
about what you're planning?

I've been tinkering with the build system over the weekend, and have
ideas how we can clean it up and gradually move to something more

Han-Wen Nienhuys - hanw...@gmail.com - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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