[A suggestion: you may want to keep attributions when trimming quotes.]

On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 2:42 PM Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:


> >
> > Why does it need to check the LILYPOND_LOCALEDIR environment
> > variable at all if the relocated parameter is present?  It seems to
> > me that it should only ever need to look at one of those, but
> > perhaps I’m not understanding something.
> Let's assume that a user sets the LILYPOND_LOCALEDIR environment
> variable manually for experimental purposes but not in the relocation
> files.  To get translated messages early it makes sense to set up the
> locale before parsing the relocation files.

I could run that same logic in the other direction too: to get the
canonical translated messages, it makes sense to parse the relocation files
before taking custom env into account. :)

I don’t know which is the right decision in this case, but I don’t think
one or the other is necessarily obvious.

> Additionally, the code right now is simple.  Calling `bindtextdomain`
> multiple times is not expensive, AFAIK.

I wouldn’t call searching for strings three times “simple” by my definition
of the word.  Maybe it’s necessary, but I would hope that we could do
fallback on the arguments as provided to the program, and then just call
bindtextdomain once.

>     Werner
Marnen Laibow-Koser mar...@marnen.org http://www.marnen.org Sent from Gmail

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