On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 1:15 AM Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > how do I set LOCALEDIR (in this case, to match the packaged app
> > bundle rather than the build-time path)?  Unlike everything else of
> > this nature, neither the .reloc files nor environment variables work
> > (and I've tried setting both LOCALEDIR and LILYPOND_LOCALEDIR in
> > both places): when I use the .reloc file, it clearly finds the
> > setting in the file, but then later blithely prints out
> > LOCALEDIR="the/old/value/I/didn't/want".
> What exactly do you want to achieve?

I want LOCALEDIR to point to where the locales will actually be in the .app
bundle (under $INSTALLER_PREFIX).

> If I understand the code
> correctly (in file `relocate.cc`), the two calls to `bindtextdomain`
> happen before relocation files are read.[*] In other words, the
> `LILYPOND_LOCALEDIR` environment variable is honoured but a
> corresponding assignment in relocation files are ignored (for the
> lilypond binary itself – child programs do get the updated environment
> variable).
> Maybe this approach should be changed?

Perhaps!  What is the point of overriding the environment setting for
LOCALEDIR?  Does LilyPond itself use that setting, or do only the child
programs use it?

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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