> how do I set LOCALEDIR (in this case, to match the packaged app
> bundle rather than the build-time path)?  Unlike everything else of
> this nature, neither the .reloc files nor environment variables work
> (and I've tried setting both LOCALEDIR and LILYPOND_LOCALEDIR in
> both places): when I use the .reloc file, it clearly finds the
> setting in the file, but then later blithely prints out
> LOCALEDIR="the/old/value/I/didn't/want".

What exactly do you want to achieve?  If I understand the code
correctly (in file `relocate.cc`), the two calls to `bindtextdomain`
happen before relocation files are read.[*] In other words, the
`LILYPOND_LOCALEDIR` environment variable is honoured but a
corresponding assignment in relocation files are ignored (for the
lilypond binary itself – child programs do get the updated environment

Maybe this approach should be changed?


[*] The first call uses the compile-time value `LOCALEDIR`, the second
    call shortly thereafter the `LILYPOND_LOCALDIR` environment

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