Jonas Hahnfeld <> writes:

> Am Dienstag, den 11.02.2020, 14:16 +0100 schrieb David Kastrup:
>> I am not sure of when and how and whether at all it might make sense
>> suggesting to GitLab that we would be a good showcase project, being
>> ancient and with significant history of different trackers etc.  Just
>> to reduce the long-term likelihood of us overstaying our welcome
>> regarding free resources.  Probably something to think about at a
>> considerably later point of time.  Or when we have significant
>> migration problems.
> I don't understand this point. Do you mean we should ask the GitLab
> devs for help with the migration?

Not before we run into a serious dead end, I think.  I don't mean to say
that I understand my point, either.  It just feels like if we are using
a free offering, we might want to think about what in our project would
be useful for making GitLab think it is a good idea hosting us.  I have
a vague feeling that there is some opportunity for social engineering.
I cannot entirely vouch for it since my specialty is more social

David Kastrup
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