I am still struggling to understand the point of a COC for the LP
project, other than some kind of ... what is the term ... virtue
signalling or something that a project does *after* someone says
something that happens to be offensive to someone else - which is just,
life isn't it?
Really. What is the point?
Let's say we have a COC posted somewhere, then ... so what?
It doesn't stop me being an arse to someone, or them to me.
It doesn't stop me posting to the lists or even submitting patches.
It doesn't 'enforce' anything nor is it legally binding or has any kind
of (real) consequence other than giving certain types of people a
justification to impose their own sensitivities (or lack thereof) over
the 'rest'.
What is the purpose? I don't get it.
All I can see that we've done here is waste (and I consider it a waste)
time bikeshedding a document that just talks about 'how to be nice to
people' and at the same time potentially worry one of our best
developers because he might not happen to have all the social graces and
just wants to 'get stuff done' but in doing so might offend someone with
his terse emails.
Yes I have read the to me, empty discussion, but still have no idea what
the point is.