Hi Karlin,

> Would MacPorts installation be adequate for LilyPond? Hans Åberg reports 
> success with this. Or is it important to have something available from 
> lilypond.org?

Let’s use [totally opinion-based] numbers for argument’s sake:

people who would download and keep using a version from lilypond.org that 
didn’t require a second [editor] download: 100

people who would download and keep using a version from lilypond.org that 
required a second [editor] download: 75

people who would download and keep using a version using MacPorts: 30

That is to say, I would guess we turn off at least half of our potential 
[Mac-based] user base by not having something available from lilypond.org. Of 
course, I would still use it (I have MacPorts installed for maxima and a number 
of other things), but I’m not the average Mac user.



Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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