On 2019/01/28 21:53:04, dak wrote:
On 2019/01/28 20:02:53, Valentin Villenave wrote:

> I can’t figure out how to make it work without resetting the
> elements list. How would you proceed?

Without any pointer to what you are having problems with, this is
"do it yourself".  Sigh.  I don't even understand what those
interfaces are
supposed to be good for so I at least changed the internals to stop
mixing directions and counts.  The user-level commands remain as
chaotic as I
find them to be.

Try this patched-up variant of code posted in the mailing list.


\version "2.21.0"

#(define-public (move-chord-note n octs)
    (_i "Transpose a note (numbered as @var{n}) by @var{octs} octaves.
@var{n} is zero-based and can be negative to count from the end.")
    (lambda (music)
      (define (proper-pitch note)
        (let* ((oct (ly:music-property note 'octavation))
              (pitch (ly:music-property note 'pitch)))
         (if (number? oct)
             (ly:pitch-transpose pitch (ly:make-pitch oct 0))

Well, considering the way invertChords is written, this should likely
just be
(define (proper-pitch note) (ly:music-property note 'pitch))
since "octavation" is only informational without affecting the pitch.
Thinko, sorry.

By the way, I find it somewhat strange that the code discussion on the
user list as well as the patch progress here completely ignore this
contribution.  After all, it was solicited.

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