Am Mo., 28. Jan. 2019 um 23:50 Uhr schrieb Valentin Villenave
> On 1/25/19, Thomas Morley <> wrote:
> > how exactly is your guile-2-setup, simply checkout the
> > 'guile-v2-work'-branch, rebase and compile?
> Oh, I wasn’t even keeping track of this branch (isn’t it dormant, much
> like Patrick’s previous work on Guilev2?); I’m just using master with
> --enable-guile2, which does produce a usable build (minus the accented
> chars problem).
> > In the attachment to this post
> >
> > are all patches to make _master_ work with guile-2.
> Great! I’ve extracted the zip and applied the patches -- except the
> last one, that’s already been pushed as
> > I _think_ accented characters are always supported then.
> Well, they do appear to be supported.
Glad to hear that :)

> I initially didn’t notice any
> difference because when launching the compilation from within
> Frescobaldi, for some weird reason they’re rendered as interrogation
> marks -- but when compiling from a terminal it works correctly. That’s
> odd; I’m used to juggling between builds or git branches and
> Frescobaldi never causes any trouble. I’ll need to investigate that
> (could it be because of JIT-precompiled binaries lagging behind, or
> something like that?).

No idea. I don't use Frescobaldi, so can't say anything here.

> Anyway. This is good news as far as I’m concerned; now I can use
> guilev2 even with accented chars… Here’s to hoping guilev3 doesn’t
> come and disrupt things even further.

FWIW, those patches are tested to work with guile-2.9.1 as well, which
is a release-candidate for guile-3.


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