Am Fr., 25. Jan. 2019 um 15:46 Uhr schrieb Paul Morris <>:
> On 1/24/19 3:08 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
> >  From my point of view (and limited knowledge) other newly implemented
> > guilev2-procedures are not _that_ important.

> Since guile2 appears to work well enough at this point, aside from
> performance,

If you do a regtest-comparison between builds with guile-1 and
guile-2, nothing serious is visible in the images. So far one could
say "well enough".
Though, looking through the other results, some other flaws are noticeble.
One I remember immediately is the not working 'procedure-source'. It's
simply disabled in guile-2, see

So with guile-2:

\applyContext #(lambda (ctx) (ly:context-set-property ctx 'fontSize 6))

-> \applyContext ##f

I think there were more, but I would need to redo the regtest to be sure.


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