Am Fr., 25. Jan. 2019 um 10:53 Uhr schrieb Valentin Villenave
> On 1/25/19, Thomas Morley <> wrote:
> > Over the years some people worked on the topic - speaking only for
> > myself, I think all low hanging fruits are done.
> Indeed. Lily-guile2 actually works pretty well (if you don’t mind the
> noticeable performance hit); I think I’ve been using it nearly-daily
> for more than a couple of years… but I still require a guilev1 build
> whenever there are accented chars to be handled (which does tend to
> happen for a French-speaking user). Which seems definitely not to be
> *that* low-hanging a fruit.
> V.

Hi Valentin,

how exactly is your guile-2-setup, simply checkout the
'guile-v2-work'-branch, rebase and compile?
Then it's not sufficient.

In the attachment to this post
are all patches to make _master_ work with guile-2.

Meanwhile some of them are already in master.
So not every patch will apply, skip those.
If merge-conflicts happen (likely), prefer whats in master already.

I _think_ accented characters are always supported then.

If not please report.


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