Hi Knut,
On Sun 2019-01-20 11:17 +0100, Knut Petersen wrote:
>          # Now build stable
> knut@golem:~/sources/gub> time make LILYPOND_BRANCH=stable/2.20
> lilypond
>          # Unfortunately that fails with
>          mkdir /home/knut/sources/gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-
> 1/compare-v2.19.81-1/v2.19.81-1
>          v2.19.81-1/rest-positioning.ly ->
> /home/knut/sources/gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1/compare-v2.19.81-
> 1/v2.19.81-1/rest-positioning.ly
>          v2.21.0-1/rest-positioning.ly ->
> /home/knut/sources/gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1/compare-v2.19.81-
> 1/v2.21.0-1/rest-positioning.ly
>          invoking gs -sDEVICE=png16m -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4
> -dTextAlphaBits=4 -slilypond-datadir=v2.19.81-
> 1/share/lilypond/current   -r101 -dAutoRotatePages=/None
> -sOutputFile=/home/knut/sources/gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-
> 1/compare-v2.19.81-1/v2.19.81-1/rest-positioning.png -dNOSAFER
> -dEPSCrop -q 
> -dNOPAUSE v2.19.81-1/rest-positioning.eps  -c quit
>            File "/home/knut/sources/gub/target/linux-64/src/lilypond-
> git.sv.gnu.org--lilypond.git-stable-2.20/scripts/build/output-
> distance.py", line 1349, in ?

This looks strange: why some paths are named 2.21.0 while you are
supposed to build branch stable/2.20? I'll give a try at building

> BTW: I think it's time to merge pull requests #53, #54, #55, #56 and
> #57.

FWIW I had success on Ubuntu 14.04 with GUB master branch merged with
PRs #53, #54, #55, #56 and LilyPond revision 17c0c744 from master
branch. What are the commonly agreed criteria for merging GUB pull
requests? FTR I have write access on gperciva/gub, but I'm still too
much a newbie in GUB to take initiative to commit without approval.

John Mandereau

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