On 2018/04/30 22:55:35, thomasmorley651 wrote:
On 2018/04/30 22:19:12, Carl wrote:
> I don't think I agree that things are attached with "-" signs.  For
> \staccato, \mordent, \turn, \fermata, \prall, (, [. None of these
are attached
> with "-" signs, although they can have a direction indicator (-, _ ,
> preceding them if desired.  At least, that is what the N.R. 5.4.2

Here the NR is not entirely complete.
"_" and "^" _are_ direction-modifiers, ofcourse.
"-" _is_ the method to insert a post-event into a list of other
For convenience it can be omitted, if no ambiguity is present. (It
can't be
omitted before a fingering, for example)
The direction of this post-event is the default-direction for said
But this more a side-effect.
Also, see:
{ \displayLilyMusic c'\tenuto }
=> c'4--
Well, I had a look in parser.yy. Although, I can't say I really
understand it, I'm not longer sure above is true.
Maybe David K can say more.


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