Am 14.02.2017 um 18:27 schrieb Trevor Daniels:
> Urs Liska wrote Tuesday, February 14, 2017 9:23 AM
>> my patch
>> is currently on countdown. It
>> introduces the procedures
>> - lilypond>?
>> - lilypond>=?
>> - lilypond<?
>> - lilypond<=?
>> - lilypond=?
>> comparing a given version to the one currently compiling the document.
>> This makes it possible to write library code supporting multiple
>> LilyPond versions across syntax changes.
>> My question is: Where can I add documentation for this? Browsing through
>> Extending and IR doesn't seem to indicate a suitable place. It *might*
>> be fitting somewhere in the "General input and output" of the NR, but
>> I'm way from being sure about that either.
> As these functions are not intended for the usual LilyPond user I
> don't think the NR is suitable, other than to have them listed in A22.
> Similarly, they will also be listed in the IR under Scheme functions.

Are they listed there really?
I was of the impression that the ly:something functions defined in
Scheme are *not* documented anywhere.

> Perhaps the best place to add a description is in Section 2 of the
> Usage Manual where convert-ly is discussed?  A new subsection 
> 2.2 Testing the version (displacing the existing sections down 1)
> could be added.  But I concede mixing with convert-ly is hardly ideal.

This may be the best bet so far. But I'd then suggest to *add* a section
after all the others.


> Trevor


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