Urs Liska wrote Tuesday, February 14, 2017 9:23 AM

> my patch https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/5067/
> http://codereview.appspot.com/317270043 is currently on countdown. It
> introduces the procedures
> - lilypond>?
> - lilypond>=?
> - lilypond<?
> - lilypond<=?
> - lilypond=?
> comparing a given version to the one currently compiling the document.
> This makes it possible to write library code supporting multiple
> LilyPond versions across syntax changes.
> My question is: Where can I add documentation for this? Browsing through
> Extending and IR doesn't seem to indicate a suitable place. It *might*
> be fitting somewhere in the "General input and output" of the NR, but
> I'm way from being sure about that either.

As these functions are not intended for the usual LilyPond user I
don't think the NR is suitable, other than to have them listed in A22.
Similarly, they will also be listed in the IR under Scheme functions.

Perhaps the best place to add a description is in Section 2 of the
Usage Manual where convert-ly is discussed?  A new subsection 
2.2 Testing the version (displacing the existing sections down 1)
could be added.  But I concede mixing with convert-ly is hardly ideal.

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