Am 01.07.2016 um 09:01 schrieb Nathan Chou:
> Thanks David and Urs for replying.
>>> There is a detail I would like to clarify. David suggested allowing \=
>>> to optionally specify the parent context in which a cross-voice
>>> spanner's information is shared (although I am not sure how that would
>>> be done with a key-list, since I think the spanner id itself is a
>>> string).
>> Right.  Maybe it should rather be a key?  That would also make
>> comparison generally faster than string comparisons.
> Would I convert a string input to a key, or should I only accept a key
> as a valid id? The latter seems more convenient but I imagine would
> break backward compatibility.

Backward compatibility is not always a requirement. If a convert-ly rule
can be written for the change then it isn't an issue at all.

>>> If this context is not specified, should it default to Score or Staff
>>> (or something else)?
>> Nothing at all?  Namely don't look anywhere else unless asked for?
> So cross voice spanners should only work if the context to share
> information is specified, right? If the context is not specified and
> there is no default, the spanner id would only be used within the same
> voice and not made known to any other contexts.

Hm. If this is a limitation required by the implementation then it's
acceptable. But from a user perspective I would be very surprised if an
ID isn't recognized without an explicitly named context around it. Isn't
that the (one) idea of an ID in general, defining an ID and have it
addressable from anywhere?


> Nathan
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