On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 4:53 AM, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:

> Il giorno mer 22 lug 2015 alle 8:23, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> ha
> scritto:
>> Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> writes:
>>  Il giorno mer 22 lug 2015 alle 0:22, Trevor Daniels
>>>  <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> ha scritto:
>>>>  My conclusion is that we can no longer rely on having a working
>>>>  Issues DB at SourceForge before the service at Google Code ceases,
>>>>  and must therefore aim to transfer the DB directly to our VM at
>>>>  Savannah.  Let's hope that the migration works rather better once
>>>>  Allura is installed there.
>>>>  Given these difficulties I think we must now aim to migrate to
>>>>  Allura on our VM at Savannah as soon as possible.  So where do we
>>>>  stand in installing Allura on the VM and in redeveloping our scripts
>>>>  to work with Allura?  Are Federico and Carl respectively still
>>>>  working on these aspects?
>>>  I started working on it yesterday. I got stuck while setting up the
>>>  web server because I _think_ that there's some server setup, out of
>>>  our VM, which redirects any http request to the IP to the welcome page
>>>  on chapters.gnu.org
>> I seem to remember that we only got some odd port punching through to
>> our VM, sharing the IP address with a number of other VM's.  So you'll
>> probably need to use a http link including the port number in the
>> browser URL and make Allura listen to that particular port for HTTP
>> requests.
>> Awkward like anything.  I don't think that one do port redirections via
>> DNS so we might be stuck with such URLs including a port number for the
>> time being.
> I don't think that this is the problem (port 80 should be open), but I
> might try configuring the web server to accept requests on some particular
> port.. but which one? I've already tried 8080, one of the ports we asked to
> keep open (I think), with no success.
> Nacho should have the answer but I didn't hear from him in the last 10
> days...
>>  I've asked Nacho of gnu.org to have a look at this asap, explaining
>>>  him our urgency. (BTW, I'm going in holidays on 3rd of August..)
>>>  I hope to finish the setup within Sunday. If I get stuck with anything
>>>  I'll ask for help also here.
> I wrote again to Nacho on 27th but no reply. Bad moment, I guess. He might
> be in holidays.
> I'm also in holidays now and I'll probably won't see much my computer in
> the next 3 weeks.
> I hope that someone else can take care of the Allura deployment. It turned
> out to be not easy at all. The documentation is not that good. It's
> currently split between the wiki on Sourceforhe and the real manual (built
> with Sphinx) on readthedocs.org
> The installation instructions are only for testing and not for real
> deployments.
> Anybody has experience in deploying python applications through wsgi or
> uwsgi?
> I tried nginx + uwsgi but 'm stuck here:
> http://lists.unbit.it/pipermail/uwsgi/2015-July/008104.html
> The guys at #allura on freenode  (in particular brondsem) will be glad to
> help.
I have some experience getting Python applications running under WSGI (and
Apache, although I'm happy to learn nginx).

I also have quite a bit of free time for the next few weeks.

Let me know if there's any way I can help with the Allura deployment.

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