"Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:

> I suggest doing the final countdown, and then stop updating the issues
> DB other than recording the resulting pushes.  I'll start the final
> import of the DB to SF on Wed 26 Aug 2015.  It may take some days to
> succeed, depending on load, so we should assume we have no tracker
> available for the whole of w/b 24 Aug 2015.
> Until it works everyone will have to either stop work or preserve
> details of their changes for the Issue DB ready to upload once we have
> a working tracker again.

I suggest using git send-email --compose -v[version] for sending
proposed patch series to the bug mailing list, using the cover letter to
indicate the information usually marked in the bug tracker, namely type
of patch and any additional notes.

In order to avoid duplication, the assignment of issue numbers and
tracking of open issue state would fall back to the patch meister.
Basically, James would have to check what patch series have been posted
to the list, assign issue numbers and states to them and post his
summaries including a reference to the respective message (message id
and/or an HTTP link to an archive) of the current patch.

While this state should hopefully not persist too long, this looks like
quite a nuisance.  So if anybody could cook up scripts with a reasonable
amount of effort for making this a bit less error-prone and cumbersome,
it would likely be appreciated.

Other alternatives would be to enable and use Savannah's normal bug
tracker, but I don't think that's going to be much of a help.

David Kastrup

lilypond-devel mailing list

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