Il giorno mer 22 lug 2015 alle 8:23, David Kastrup <> ha
Federico Bruni <> writes:
Il giorno mer 22 lug 2015 alle 0:22, Trevor Daniels
<> ha scritto:
My conclusion is that we can no longer rely on having a working
Issues DB at SourceForge before the service at Google Code ceases,
and must therefore aim to transfer the DB directly to our VM at
Savannah. Let's hope that the migration works rather better once
Allura is installed there.
Given these difficulties I think we must now aim to migrate to
Allura on our VM at Savannah as soon as possible. So where do we
stand in installing Allura on the VM and in redeveloping our
to work with Allura? Are Federico and Carl respectively still
working on these aspects?
I started working on it yesterday. I got stuck while setting up the
web server because I _think_ that there's some server setup, out of
our VM, which redirects any http request to the IP to the welcome
I seem to remember that we only got some odd port punching through to
our VM, sharing the IP address with a number of other VM's. So you'll
probably need to use a http link including the port number in the
browser URL and make Allura listen to that particular port for HTTP
Awkward like anything. I don't think that one do port redirections
DNS so we might be stuck with such URLs including a port number for
time being.
I don't think that this is the problem (port 80 should be open), but I
might try configuring the web server to accept requests on some
particular port.. but which one? I've already tried 8080, one of the
ports we asked to keep open (I think), with no success.
Nacho should have the answer but I didn't hear from him in the last 10
I've asked Nacho of to have a look at this asap, explaining
him our urgency. (BTW, I'm going in holidays on 3rd of August..)
I hope to finish the setup within Sunday. If I get stuck with
I'll ask for help also here.
I wrote again to Nacho on 27th but no reply. Bad moment, I guess. He
might be in holidays.
I'm also in holidays now and I'll probably won't see much my computer
in the next 3 weeks.
I hope that someone else can take care of the Allura deployment. It
turned out to be not easy at all. The documentation is not that good.
It's currently split between the wiki on Sourceforhe and the real
manual (built with Sphinx) on
The installation instructions are only for testing and not for real
Anybody has experience in deploying python applications through wsgi or
I tried nginx + uwsgi but 'm stuck here:
The guys at #allura on freenode (in particular brondsem) will be glad
to help.
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