Il giorno dom 31 mag 2015 alle 10:23, David Kastrup <> ha scritto:
Personally, I'd consider it better to work with a combined site in this respect since it would mean that any tools we develop for our workflows
(like our own personal git-cl fork) are not LilyPond-only.

IIUC, there's already this tool (not documented):

Gitlab is implemented in Ruby, no idea whether that means any of the
quite-harder-to-make-secure-than-getting-it-up warnings for
Ruby-on-Rails are applicable here.  It has separate community and
(non-free) enterprise editions which basically differ in support of
directory services IIRC.  So that might mean that sharing/integrating
user management with Savannah might be non-trivial.

Yes, there are cons...

It does import projects from Github, and Github imports projects from
Google Code.  So an experimental setup of LilyPond on Gitlab itself
(which is not totally representative as Gitlab's servers don't run the
community edition) should be possible pretty easily. As long as Github does not give users the finger who employ its resources for the sake of
moving a project elsewhere.

Actually, Google Code exports to Github. I tried, just to see what happens and it turned out that the standard export works only for issues <1000. Here's the FAQ:

Only an owner on Google Code (I'm a committer only) can try Google Takeout:

I wonder if the JSON dump can contain images...

There's also a script to export to Gitlab:

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