On 2015/05/17 22:06:10, Trevor Daniels wrote:

I strongly prefer just two input modes, \relative and \absolute,

Okay.  I won't split the job to complement \relative between two
functions.  That leaves the question of what to name the one function.

The proper name for this would be \absoluteWithFixedOctaveOffset

Remember the point Carl and Paul pointed out, that if we write 'Baa Baa
Black Sheep' as
  \absoluteWithFixedOctaveOffset c'' {g,4 g, d d e e d2}
then the input is not what they consider 'absolute mode' because the
octaves are not absolute, but relative to a fixed octave ''.

I see now that David considers the input accepted by \fixed as in this
patch as a variant of 'absolute mode', just "absolute mode with a
different octave".   The choice of reference octave makes the input mode
seem not very 'absolute' -- until you compare it to LilyPond's

Carls's and Paul's objections were not vehement, but they seem relevant
to newcomers to LilyPond.  (Also, I can type 'fixed' faster.)  So, I'm
taking the position of "put up or shut up": confirm that the concept of
"absolute mode" in the docsis consistent with merging \fixed into
\absolute, or poll the -user mailing list, or be content.

File Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely (right):

Documentation/learning/common-notation.itely:1431: the note on the
bottom staff of the bass clef.

File Documentation/notation/pitches.itely (right):

Documentation/notation/pitches.itely:172: absolute octave mode.  Which
choices are meaningful?

Documentation/notation/pitches.itely:882: @code{\relative} block.}


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