On 06.05.2015, at 20:43, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:
>>> Probably the best name is \octave, which was used for something
>>> similar
>>> until version 0.1.19
>>>    \octave c'' {c4 e g c e g c'1}
>> Sounds OK for me.
> Huh.  I like the contrast \relative/\absolute better.  Particularly,
> I like a sensible default when one leaves off the pitch.

> Neither \octave { bes, c d e f } nor \octave c { c' bes as g } or
> \octave c'' { c' bes as g } seem particularly convincing.  I like
> \absolute { bes, c d e f } \absolute c { c; bes as g } \absolute c'' {
> c' bes as g } better.

Me too!  I don’t see the need for an additional \octave-command.  We change 
octave positions in relative mode as well as in absolute mode by adding octave 
marks.  In my opinion it wouldn’t alter the “absoluteness” of absolute mode if 
it were possible to change the octave position for the whole expression (e.g. 
\absolute c’’ {c’}).  It would just be another handy shortcut for 
transposing/octavating expressions in absolute mode (instead of having to 
add/remove individual octave marks).

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