Am 20.07.2014 11:47, schrieb Janek Warchoł:
A thought: i'm missing the possibility to set the weight of the music
font used by LilyPond for a particular score.  In other words: let's
say i have an engraving with staff-size 16; Lilypond automatically
uses Feta16 for that.  I'd like to be able to say "please use a
heavier font version" to make LilyPond use Feta14 font (scaled to
staff-size 16).  Or "use a much lighter font" to make LilyPond use
Feta20 (scaled down to staff-size 16).

Sorry, this should be in the same reply as the previous one.

I would find that extremely useful. Obviously this would imply not only _switching_ fonts but rather _shifting_, so that when having bigger or samller music in the same score this would be shifted accordingly.


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