On 19. Juli 2014 16:48:55 MESZ, tisimst <tisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>So, Urs and I have been discussing how we might proceed to make
>music fonts more publicly available and I thought I'd bring the
>here since there are some decisions to be made regarding how users
>experience the change.
>- Question 1: *Should the new syntax be something like this?* (where
>music and piano-brace fonts are put at the first)
>\paper {
>  #(define fonts
>    (make-pango-font-tree
>    *"lilyjazz"*  ; music font
>    *"gonville"*  ; piano brace font
>    "FreeSerif"
>    "FreeSans"
>    "Inconsolata"
>    (/ staff-height pt 20)))

An alternative that should be mentioned is having the music fonts last and 
optional. This seems practical because it is probably much more regular to 
change text fonts than music fonts.

>- Question 2: *Should we require the new fonts to be in the same folder
>Emmentaler?* Most users won't know where this is and would more likely
>to just install the fonts in the usual system fonts folder with all the
>other text fonts. Pango seems to know where this folder is, so it
>need to be hard-coded like it currently is in "lily/font-config.cc".

This would be _very_ useful, not only because it's easier to install but also 
because it wouldn't be pverwritten by a new LilyPond version.


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