On 07/24/2014 01:08 AM, Alexander Kobel wrote:
https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=4014 ?

On the other hand, I actually don't know if it is correct when
I say: "the Pango description string for the font, which is passed as-is
to the Pango interface".  Is this Pango?  Is it fontconfig?  Is it
correct that `fc-match <string>` will tell me what
`(make-expert-font-tree '((... <string>)) ...)' will do, or almost, but
not quite?  I'm kinda lost there myself.

Oh, and I forgot one:
Is it an expected and supported behaviour that I'm "allowed" to advertise that you can introduce new lily-family symbols ('markup and 'condensed in the example, but I could think of, e.g., 'lyrics, 'header, 'chords or 'mark to be useful)? Or is it rather an unexpected feature (aka. bug) that might vanish at some point? I assume that it's safe to use, but I'm not sure. And if yes, should we also implement a mapping between "logical" and "physical" lily-families (similar to structural markup vs. direct markup in Latex or HTML)? Like, per default,
  'lyrics -> 'roman
  'header -> 'roman
  'chords -> 'sans
  'url    -> 'typewriter
and the user may add a 'condensed family and re-map 'lyrics to 'condensed. Or is this overkill, and we should stick to the one-layer strategy we already have?


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