On 2014/07/05 05:28:36, J_lowe wrote:
> Okay, but "\clef tab" needs "\new TabStaff" as well

Well I've never used Tab notation before and lilypond will let you
\clef tab c1

It will let you compile, but the visual output is still wrong.

So if you *always* use a \new TabStaff for \clef tab then fine, I can
just write
@code{\clef moderntab} and be done.

I'm sorry if I confused you.  Your original idea of showing the "\new
TabStaff" in a code{} block is preferable, but you *need* to use "\new
TabStaff" for both tab and moderntab.  Just doing "\clef tab c1"
(without the "\new TabStaff") results in the wrong output, as I
described in comment #3.  Plus you still have the excess curly braces in
the moderntab lilypond block.  I think your best bet is to cut and paste
the code I provided between the asterisks in comment #3, for the last
two items.

- Mark


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