On 2014/07/04 21:12:38, Mark Polesky wrote:
On 2014/07/04 10:29:15, J_lowe wrote:
> The problem is (else I would have done what you suggested) is that
one cannot
> just use
> \clef moderntab { c1 } and it will print like \clef tab { c1 }, so I
> to show that to get that specific clef you must (so it seems) use
the \new
> TabStaff { .. } construct.

Okay, but "\clef tab" needs "\new TabStaff" as well

Well I've never used Tab notation before and lilypond will let you

\clef tab c1

but if you try

\clef moderntab c1

you get a staff but no clef is printed

So if you *always* use a \new TabStaff for \clef tab then fine, I can
just write @code{\clef moderntab} and be done. That was the point I was
really making I guess.

(right now it's showing 5
lines and a whole note, instead of 6 lines and a fret number).  So
then the last
two items look like this:


@c @example does not work as expected within multitables
\new TabStaff @{ @*
@ @ \clef tab @*
\new TabStaff {
   \clef tab
@end lilypond

@c @example does not work as expected within multitables
\new TabStaff @{ @*
@ @ \clef moderntab @*
\new TabStaff {
   \clef moderntab
@end lilypond


By the way, in the other items, you could remove all those excess

\clef G
@end lilypond

Yes I will thanks.


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