Thomas Morley <> writes:

> I think David thought of something at the lines of the following function:
> appearance =
> #(define-music-function (parser location mrkp item)
>    (markup? symbol-list-or-music?)
>  (let ((stil (lambda (item)
>                (grob-interpret-markup item mrkp))))
>    #{ \tweak stencil #stil #item #}))
> \relative c' {
>     \appearance
>       \markup "XY"
>       Staff.Clef
>     \appearance
>       \markup
>         \override #'(baseline-skip . 0)
>         \override #'(word-space . 0.2)
>         \line {
>           \center-column { \number 3 \number 4 }
>           \center-column { \number 6 \number 8 }
>         }
>       Score.TimeSignature
>     c1
> }

Yes, this would work, but there should be a markup command for the stuff
behind \markup.  Basically the idea was to give a bit more flexibility
about where to draw the borders for making a nice interface, and also to
make it easier to substitute one's own stencils when the defaults are
not sufficient for one's needs.

David Kastrup

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