Joram Berger <> writes:

> Am 04.11.2012 00:17, schrieb David Kastrup:
>> Joram Berger <> writes:
>>> Would it be an idea to add … "français" as aliases to "italiano"?
>>> According to my knowledge in French, the note names are the same and
>>> bémol/dièse also fits with the Italian abbreviations -b/-d.
>> I think they may be using "ut" instead of "do".
> I wondered, too. But from my experience when I was in France and from
> these sites, it is do. And ut is only an old form and do is the modern
> one (since the 17th century).

I have some Swiss accordion music here, written something like 1930 or
so and published by Schott, and they use "ut" for the French/Italian
version of the chord names.  The author would have been living in
Lausanne at that time.

David Kastrup

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