David Kastrup wrote Friday, October 12, 2012 12:23 PM

> "Trevor Daniels" <t.dani...@treda.co.uk> writes:
>> X-offset and friends.  I'd prefer to change these to x/y-offset, to
>> unify the letter-casing of properties.  Can also be addressed later.
> "addressed later" implies that this is a related issue, but in my book,
> it is quite independent.

Well, it would help in simplifying the description of the new syntax,
that's all.
>> I'm less concerned than Werner about the inconsistency of the
>> tweak syntax.  The context needs to be specified only rarely, and
>> it is a small price to pay for the enormous gain.
> Well, strictly speaking we are getting hosed at the latest when \tweak
> supports tweaking nested properties.  The problem with \tweak is that
> the syntax really leaves no good place for an optional grob spec.
> We basically have
> \tweak property-path value music
> I see really only two reasonably
> consistent solutions that both involve _not_ using \tweak for the
> grobbed variant:
> \tweakGrob Accidental color #red cis
> or
> \single \override Accidental color = #red cis
> since the latter is now available.  It is just more effort both for
> LilyPond and the user.

I'd not object to either of these forms, but I think I'd prefer the
dotted form of \tweak as the canonical syntax for the grob variant.

>> I'm also encouraged by the hints you've dropped that #4 and 4
>> can also be made equivalent in the majority of cases.  In a later
>> patch, of course.
> Have you tried in the last half year?  I should be surprised if you find
> many places where they are not already perfectly interchangeable.  The
> problem is more making 4 mean a _duration_ when you need one.

:)  This implies another major doc change is needed then!

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